India effectively repealed its Section 377, by "reading down" the law in 2009 (see video).
It has been effectively repealed (only s.1, providing the short title remains in force).
The Court effectively repealed the 10th Amendment all on its own.
Thus, the tax law was ruled unconstitutional and was effectively repealed.
This would effectively repeal the federal minimum wage.
Those bans were gradually relaxed to attract more resort business, and by 1820 were effectively repealed.
Legislation was drafted to effectively repeal the Borough Acts of 1882, 1890, 1891 and all of their supplements.
The spirit of the First Amendment has been effectively repealed for conservative speech by a censorious, accusatory mob.
His bill provided that popular sovereignty, through the territorial legislatures, should decide "all questions pertaining to slavery", thus effectively repealing the Missouri Compromise.