Because an aposiopesis implies a trailing off of thought, it is never directly followed by a period, which would effectively result in four consecutive dots.
Ability to control resources effectively results in higher-ranking in the in-group, popular crowd.
This effectively resulted in a split within the club.
The new blueprint would effectively result in the rise of a new city on Moscow's southern outskirts.
This effectively results in the secondary model being inserted into the model space of the former.
Following the 18th Amendment's adoption, prohibition effectively resulted in a public demand for illegal alcohol, making criminals of producers and distributors.
The proliferation of multiple communications technologies has itself created the need to combine them effectively resulting in a new technology, unified communications.
Nassau's practice "effectively results in the financing of operating costs by long-term debt," he wrote.
Their threat effectively resulted in the hesitancy of the local Maryland militia to oppose the invaders.
This effectively results in oil being replaced every three days with no disposal costs.