Up to the 1940s and 1950s, many of the city's restaurants were effectively segregated, with signs that stated, "We Don't Serve Any Colored Race."
Kids would have missed out on a lot socially and in terms of personal development IMHO if they're been effectively segregated.
Beyond all the arguments over whether Jerusalem should be united, divided or shared is the fact that it is already effectively segregated.
Like other eastern and southern Europeans, Rusyns were effectively segregated from the rest of American society because of their low economic status and lack of knowledge of English.
Prince Hall Masonry, which was formed while Masonry in the United States was effectively segregated, has a predominantly black membership.
However, scholars, such as Gary Orrfield of Harvard, observe that many African Americans continue to be effectively segregated from other races in low-scoring schools.
But school was effectively segregated.
But in Ithaca, the battle has been tinged by class and race, with some teachers observing that poorer students and minorities have been effectively segregated into the Regents and "local" classes.
Allen v. Wright, a 1984 U. S. Supreme Court case challenging public subsidy for private schools that are effectively segregated.