The computers, which approach the performance levels of engineering work stations and minicomputers, may be difficult for personal computer retailers to sell effectively, analysts said.
Do I effectively sell myself on the top quarter of the first page?
Sales skills - do you know how to sell effectively to this new and different customer base?
In the eyes of other bidders, Goldman effectively sold the property to itself.
The most successful also managed to effectively sell soybeans, then buy them back at a lower price.
This was especially emphasised by the proposal that Ordnance Survey would effectively sell back to local authorities their own data.
To sell effectively to them, marketers needed to take into account the characteristics of the boomer generation and their stage of progression through life.
Under a typical equity swap, a corporate executive effectively sells the stock to a bank, promising to buy it back at market prices five years later.
That bond was issued to effectively sell shares to complete the transaction.
The worry remains that the increase will tempt poorer women to effectively sell their eggs.