If such were the case, those litigants fortunate enough to have easy access to the media could make charges against a judge's impartiality that would effectively veto the assignment of judges.
American officials, who could effectively veto the disbursement of funds, say they have not yet taken a position on whether to keep money flowing to Mr. Suharto's Government.
Cameron effectively vetoed an EU-wide treaty change to tackle the eurozone crisis, saying it was not in the UK's interests.
The President of Estonia may effectively veto a law adopted by Estonian parliament by refusing to proclaim it and demanding a new debate and decision.
Mr Bush effectively vetoed this measure but supporters of the bill are confident that they will have enough votes next month.
But Mr. Bennett wanted the power to effectively veto legislation he found unsuitable, as well.
But Kurdish officials, who could effectively veto the nomination, could not be reached for comment.
Absent a waiver, artists could effectively veto decisions to remove their structures from their benefactor's land.
Cambodia objected, contending that such a tribunal would violate the country's sovereignty, and the Parliament effectively vetoed the idea.
Liberty can effectively veto a sale of Turner, and Mr. Malone has been seeking a favorable deal if it agrees to sell its Turner shares.