Simon is known by his camp, effeminate behaviour.
The effeminate behaviour of the highest dignitaries left no doubt about the truth of Rhodan's assertions.
A less well known classification is Category 30-B, a medical code given to servicemen "with effeminate behaviour not amounting to sexual disorders".
He then presented his Navy superiors with detailed reports of effeminate behavior, cross-dressing, and parties involving sexual activity, liquor and cocaine.
Since he grew up in an all-female convent, he also exhibits some effeminate behavior despite his insistence that he is male.
The definition of what constitutes effeminate behavior varies greatly depending on the social and cultural context, as well as on the time period.
He is also vengeful, paranoid, a bit racist, and often demonstrates effeminate behavior and, in spite of his otherwise masculine personality.
That is especially pronounced among men, where effeminate behavior elicits far greater levels of social disapproval than does homosexuality per se.
Raghava begins to act funny and shows effeminate behaviour which is when the presence of the ghost is identified.