The various embellishments flow naturally from her vivid personality, by turns smoldering, effervescent and fiery.
"Unlike your effervescent personality, David Dinkins is stable," Mr. Jackson said at one point.
His tenacious play, effervescent personality, matchless wit and unswerving dedication made him Mr. Net.
Intensity is rarely a problem for Grant, whose effervescent personality makes him one of the Bulls' most popular players.
"I am a vivacious, intelligent, warm-hearted, attractive, cool chick, with a sharp, witty, and effervescent personality," writes one on
As she spoke, she exuded an effervescent personality that was nearly carbonated.
Tamburlaine's effervescent personality and self-confidence are also echoed throughout the play.
His effervescent personality faded a little when he was asked about the future.
Asked what sustained him during the trial, Captain Hazelwood said, "Mostly it was Michael and his effervescent personality."
An effervescent personality, he refuses to indulge the veterans' ideas of silly rookie sacraments.