Modern wood stove designs allow for more efficient combustion and then heat extraction.
Mechanical drive applications provide a more efficient combustion raising around 2%.
The compressed air leads to more efficient combustion.
Its vision is defined as: "To be the international reference point for clean and efficient industrial combustion."
Reforms being considered this year include requiring drivers to use high-oxygen fuels to make their cars' combustion more efficient.
They said a fan used to force air into the furnace to promote efficient combustion may not have worked properly because the door was open.
It has four valves for each cylinder, for efficient combustion.
This turbulence promotes thorough fuel/air mixing, which is good for efficient combustion.
The fan also mixes gas and air more thoroughly, so achieving more efficient combustion.
As a result, this design works best at high fuel output levels; efficient combustion is indicated by a blue flame.