That allows an efficient conversion of potential energy, which depends on gravity, into kinetic energy, the energy of motion.
Although one manufacturer described this as being the oldest technology, monocrystalline cells provide the most efficient conversion from light to electricity at 13 or 14 per cent.
This process would be an efficient mass-energy conversion at ordinary temperatures, but it requires making monopoles and anti-monopoles first.
Such temperatures are too low for efficient conversion to electricity.
The surface of Pearl, with its wall of translucent glass, provided an efficient conversion of incident solar radiation.
Out comes energy with an extremely efficient conversion, much more so than we get with an internal combustion engine driving a generator.
For the most efficient conversion of sunlight, however, three layers is likely to be the practical limit.
The de Laval nozzle allows the most efficient ("isentropic") conversion of the energy of hot gases into forward motion.
The scientific advance that permits this efficient conversion of mass to energy is called the "Kilgore equations".
The list ranking problem concerns the efficient conversion of a linked list representation into an array.