Our country was built by those who knew that the efficient flow of people and products between states was critical to our nation.
The agency should be run by a nonpartisan, tenured board and chief executive whose only missions are the safe, orderly and efficient flow of air traffic.
This configuration allows for the efficient flow of air traffic in nearly any wind condition.
Modern economies are dependent on the safe and efficient flow of transactions.
The new Marquette Interchange was designed to ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic.
But if the the branches were narrow, creating congestion, many ants moved to the other branch to maintain a smooth and efficient flow.
Madam President, in the current global economy, most borders are allowing a more efficient flow of people, capital and services.
There should also be an efficient flow of resources from the EU all the way down to sub-national level.
The efficient, one-way flow of air through a bird's lungs may not be an adaptation to the high metabolic strain of flight.
The political cacophony blocks the efficient flow of capital into major weapons systems.