When memories are said to be enhanced however, the connection is strengthened by rehearsal as well as connecting it to other related memories thereby making the retrieval more efficient.
CALC uses a hashing algorithm to decide where to place the record; the hash key then provides efficient retrieval of the record.
Astroinformatics aims to digitize historical and recent astronomical observations and images in a large database for efficient retrieval through web-based interfaces.
All of these require effective management, preservation, and curation for efficient retrieval to facilitate the sharing of scientific knowledge.
Furthermore, it provides the framework for "efficient retrieval and application"(T.P Scot et al., 2009).
The organization of knowledge for efficient retrieval of relevant information is also a major research goal of library science.
The office maintains the Air Force Safety Center Records Library, ensuring efficient and timely retrieval of safety investigation reports for review and analysis.
Automation required consistency in cataloging as well as more efficient retrieval of information; a controlled vocabulary was a solution to both these problems.
MIX has support for efficient retrieval and modification of metadata and status information.
The primary value of a B+ tree is in storing data for efficient retrieval in a block-oriented storage context - in particular, filesystems.