Fuels of western Canada and their efficient utilization (1918)
Highly efficient utilization of the coating materials result in lower costs relative to other processes.
Another thing the author seems not to understand is that nature is about efficient utilisation of energy.
The answer to this question is crucial to the efficient utilization of R&D resources, which are always limited.
"Scientific Conservation," as it was called, advocated "the efficient utilization of natural resources through the application of science and technology."
Demand side management initiatives by the utilities, particularly through tariff incentives, have had some impact on efficient utilization and consumption.
New road building technologies and more efficient utilization of highway transport had been developed during the war.
This type of integration of information into a medical record is critical to efficient utilization.
If not, a 'free lunch' can be had through a more efficient utilization of resources.
The restricted site imposed five prayer levels and an unsparingly efficient utilisation of space.