Legislative efforts to allow such big holdings, they say, would face stiff political resistance.
There was a fear that, having come so close last year, Renault's effort would face away in 1992.
The various efforts to redress the imbalance face their first deadline in less than a month.
Whatever the cause of the Republicans' fall from power, however, the effort to rebuild the party faces several serious challenges.
But any effort to close state prisons will face formidable political obstacles.
Congressional efforts to change fuel economy standards face entrenched opposition from some members of both political parties.
But the effort to do so faces heavy opposition in Congress and by the Republicans.
Even in the House, the effort to cut back on money in politics still faces a few final hurdles.
The Administration's effort to resolve the debt problems of the developing world is facing enormous difficulties.
But those efforts are facing continued reluctance by some prosecutors and victims' rights groups.