Supplement companies say they take strenuous efforts to maintain strict quality control.
And yet nations can impose enormous costs on their citizens when they take extraordinary efforts to maintain independent currencies.
His brain was whirling de spite his efforts to maintain control of himself.
So when the infant becomes more independent, its effort to maintain proximity to its mother increases.
"It could hurt the efforts to maintain strong coalition cohesion and unity," a Western diplomat said.
Investors, though, seem more focused on how the contenders' collective efforts will maintain the momentum.
As a result, the private company had few incentives to make efforts to improve or even maintain service quality during the last years of the contract.
Those who resist efforts to maintain a viable semiconductor industry should remember that sorry episode.
Maintaining a relationship with the software supplier soon became a time consuming effort that diverted resources from other aspects of the business.
This is why we must enhance efforts to maintain a strong industrial base in Europe.