Their efforts ranged from petitions to letter-writing to a street protest.
Their efforts range from complex, foundation-financed child development programs to simple but sensible adopt-a-family projects.
But efforts to seize off-hours business have ranged from mild successes to outright failures.
The new efforts will range from intensified monitoring of projects in the field to an increased focus on reforming institutions that can hold governments accountable.
Educators in a half-dozen states acknowledged that efforts to publicize the program had ranged from spotty to nonexistent.
These efforts range from detecting a simple listening device in the wall to countering the most sophisticated electronic eavesdropping devices and systems.
Depending on the problems' size and computer dependence, the workers' efforts have ranged from small and simple to gargantuan.
And almost always, the efforts will range from the incompetent to the comic.
But like other affirmative-action programs, these efforts range from admirable to counterproductive.
The efforts can range from the "simple", such as a wedding picture made into a puzzle, to complex, completely commissioned artwork and carefully designed cutting styles.