He heaved it up and secured the girth with what seemed like one effortless motion.
Quies racked the saddle with the effortless motion that came of long practice, and healthy shoulders.
Pe EU stood up smoothly, an effortless motion that caught Morgan by surprise.
He bent over, took her under the arms and lifted her up in one effortless motion.
With an effortless motion, Joscelin stepped between us, and his hands rested lightly on his hilts.
In one effortless motion, Balinor drew forth his great sword, the metal blade ringing sharply as it cleared the sheath.
He disarmed the automatic and came upright in one swift, effortless motion.
He was like a black-clad dancer, all grace, power, and seemingly effortless motion.
The effect was graceful, suggesting effortless motion, while now the girls seemed not to care.
Mahisha, now unconcerned with Babu, paralleled the move in his cage in a fluid, effortless motion.