The contact should encourage friendly, helpful, egalitarian attitudes and condemn ingroup-outgroup comparisons.
It reflected a more egalitarian attitude toward women and their more active role in society.
With the egalitarian attitude professed at its inception, the team catered almost exclusively to male athletes.
Her egalitarian attitudes, based on her communal Christian beliefs, are a source of annoyance and exasperation to Mildred.
Typically the scholar wears a grey suit ("Mao look") showing his anti-materialistic and egalitarian attitude.
Still, he said, "a less egalitarian attitude is spreading because the average level of income has continued to increase.
"Don't get too big, don't think you are something," he explained of the egalitarian Swedish attitude.
Howard had an egalitarian attitude towards women.
Barbie's egalitarian attitudes, based on her communal Christian beliefs, annoy and exasperate Mildred.