It bestowed new rewards on the egalitarian spirit.
One can see a basic egalitarian spirit within the code.
Still possessed of the old egalitarian spirit then?
The egalitarian spirit prevails in their no-star system, but while no one gets particular billing, Kodo members get rock-star treatment at the stage door.
Some Limits on Attendance Albany's egalitarian spirit also helps bolster attendance.
That, in turn, though, says something about the egalitarian spirit of Stenson".
The notion of intellectual accomplishment, as opposed to performance in other spheres, must be uniquely threatening to the American egalitarian spirit.
What was to prevent the expansion of the egalitarian spirit to the culture at large?
This egalitarian spirit is also reflected by a lack of formal separation between fellows and students.
With the egalitarian spirit of the 1960's, most men's schools began admitting women.