Devoutly Muslim, they are also matrilineal, with an egalitarian social system and an economy in which women own virtually all the property.
Neither males nor females are dominant over each other, an egalitarian social system that is unique to Central American squirrel monkeys.
This egalitarian social system makes Australian society appear "laid-back" or relaxed to visitors.
The Romanian educational system is based on a tuition-free, egalitarian system.
There are few seats in this egalitarian system.
"The idea of a totally egalitarian system would have been unthinkable."
The elections were free and used an egalitarian electoral system that was based on a general ballot.
It's a very loose egalitarian system, it reminds me of Hiroko's, actually.
Some more egalitarian system makes an appearance, and they might feel a conflict of loyalties.
In the egalitarian system we had before, nobody got anything done.