Then they'd discover that the polar bear does not share their egalitarian view of the sanctity of life.
Indian public discourses treated anticaste ideas as unthinkable, inducing people with egalitarian views to conceal from others their doubts about Hindu tenets.
Attitudes changed in part because of the influence among the educated elite of the Stoics, whose egalitarian views of humanity extended to slaves.
Gundry was forced to resign from Moody for supporting his wife's egalitarian views in her book, Woman Be Free.
He had egalitarian views on the suitable social composition of the bishops, and clergy in general.
Due to his radical egalitarian views, shocking at the time, no Northern conference would have him as a bishop---hence, his appointment to an all black mission conference.
Although Justin did not explicitly derive from Genesis an egalitarian view of humanity, certain other Christians did.
In the 1960s and 1970s the situation was somewhat relieved, but it was not until after Franco's death that a more egalitarian view of the sexes was adopted.
Despite his aristocratic birth, Ramarayaningar was known for his egalitarian views.
According to his interpretation, the Han historical texts supported an egalitarian view of marriage.