Larvae hatch from their egg casing in two to six weeks.
"Bones, do you think they could be egg casings?"
When the nymphs hatch, they eat the egg casing and continue to live with the mother.
The darter will watch for the larval stage to erupt from its egg casing and eat it before it has time to swim off.
"Why on earth did they have my leviathan bring you two large egg casings filled with sawdust?"
He still had no idea why they'd had him bring egg casings full of sawdust to their base.
Opponents to the no-nit policy point out that nits, being empty egg casings, have no clinical importance.
Finally they had to march in tandem, each supporting an end of the egg casing.
She explained that she only has to place a worker into the egg casing when she's laying the egg of a new hive queen.