It was egg collectors, falconers and the construction of the Palisades Interstate Parkway right above the historic areas.
Later, in Victorian times, birds of prey were persecuted by game keepers, by taxidermists and by egg collectors.
Formerly, shepherds collected nestlings for food, and egg collectors have raided burrows.
The birdlife is threatened by egg collectors and even more by cats and rodents that have been introduced to the islands.
The eggs are owned by Dorothy Davis, an egg collector and artist.
Reports from egg collectors led scientists to believe the birds mimicked the calls of predators as a way of defending their territory.
Bird cliffs have often been exploited as a food resource by the local population, as well as being used by hunters and egg collectors.
Filming egg collectors in the Arctic highlights the difference between modern and traditional climbing techniques.
"Operation Osprey" ensured the security of the birds by stopping egg collectors.
In the 1980's and 1990's, the fines allowed by the law were only a moderate deterrent to some egg collectors.