Beginning this year, however, there has been a big jump in egg consumption, Ms. Braun said.
I'm increasing my egg consumption and integrating more mushrooms into my daily salads and side dishes.
The UEP called the campaign "almost a joke," and said that the group's ultimate aim was to stop egg consumption altogether.
The major cause for the decline was egg consumption by humans.
A meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal in 2013 found no association between egg consumption and heart disease or stroke.
Studies have shown conflicting results about a possible connection between egg consumption and type two diabetes.
However, a study published in 2010 found no link between egg consumption and type 2 diabetes.
From a high of 402 eggs each in 1945, American egg consumption tumbled to 233 in 1991.
She prodded Mr. Miele, gently, to cut his weekly egg consumption to two, from seven.
The egg promotion aims to increase the egg consumption of Indians to about 150 by the end of the century.