The eggs measure about 41 millimetres by 29 and weigh around 17.9 grams.
The eggs are white and weigh about 60 g.
The eggs are white and weigh approximately 50 g.
The eggs are salmon-coloured and weigh 55 g or more.
The eggs are pinkish brown and weigh 40-45 g.
The eggs vary from cream to light brown, and weigh approximately 35 g.
One egg now weighed just 82 grams, compared to 127 when it was placed in an incubator.
The eggs are white and should weigh 58-70 g.
Its egg weighs about 3.9g and it incubates for about 13 days.
The eggs measure 44 x 34 mm and weigh 26.5 g, of which 5% is shell.