'Has anyone ever told you,' she said, just as coldly, 'that you're the most egotistical man in Rome?'
And it didn't require Jungian analysis to see that, just like most clones, Zoster bitterly resented the egotistical man who had created him.
A less egotistical man than Venandakatra might have wondered why the tales exclusively concerned Kushans.
A rather egotistical old man who felt that the world was remiss for not having crowned his own genius.
That wonderful, egotistical, crazy old man!
I figured him for a pompous, egotistical man who has been accustomed to dominating people through his financial position.
She did a lot of asking why and might thus have irritated a less egotistical man, but Pompey adored being asked why.
But ABC approached this like the egotistical man who says: "Enough about me.
I just couldn't be interested in a man so egotistical he insists, in a world of ten billion people, that his genes are desperately needed.
I'm sorry, but I just couldn't be interested in a man so egotistical as to insist, in a world of ten billion people, that his genes are desperately needed.