It alleged that the "entire business model" of "represents an egregious form of consumer fraud and deception".
Bullfighting reigns as one of the most egregious and unjustifiable forms of animal cruelty in the world today.
Digging for Ives is a less egregious form of grave-robbing than a lot of other examples.
"If they opt for egregious forms of behavior and continued internal repression, a price will be paid," he said.
It is the most egregious form of waste known to sentient beings, and, like all waste, it is illogical.
The agency considers noose incidents to be among the most egregious forms of racial harassment.
Though he envisions a role for government in protecting against egregious forms of coercion, force and fraud, all other abuses would be regulated by private agreements among citizens.
Moreover, domestic violence can sometimes be part of a package of dysfunction at home, a red flag for egregious forms of child abuse and neglect.
It's only been in the last several years that deadlock has developed in such an egregious form.
Non-consensual intercourse, or rape, is a particularly egregious form of battery.