In the most egregious instance, every member of a panel which recommended the use of epoeitin alfa in HIV patients had received money from a manufacturer of that drug.
Mr. Mokhiber said that while Mr. Ghonoudian's experience was "the most egregious" instance of discrimination, the committee was investigating complaints against other airlines.
Nor is the junior Rover the most egregious instance.
In an egregious instance of life imitating art, an ominous sky rolled in, like a slab of slate.
Austin F. Cassidy, the building inspector in Mount Kisco, said it was the "most egregious" instance of overcrowding that the village had seen in more than a decade.
Some of this Congress's handiwork has been shortsighted, and in one egregious instance - the new welfare law - the President was a willing accomplice.
Yet he never seems to have intruded on the Bauers' routine, except in an instance so egregious that he describes it quite candidly.
An apartment, a villa, a winter trip to Monte Carlo: Marxist-Leninist graft typically amounted to a few thousand dollars, maybe hundreds of thousands in some egregious instances.
"I think there have been some really egregious instances of abuse."
According to Fred M. Frohock, "the case of Peter Popoff is one of many egregious instances of fake healing".