That would help curb excessive jury awards but leave room for very high awards against egregious offenders.
I can't help it that Quark is the most egregious offender on the station.
"Hotel Babylon" is the most egregious offender here, mostly because it's supposed to be such a ritzy, 5-star establishment.
The whole idea behind punitive damages is to severely punish the most egregious offenders.
Many people in the insurance industry consider Maine to be the most egregious offender.
Federal officials insisted that they had gone after the most egregious offenders.
The committee defined the most egregious offenders as those who wrote checks exceeding their next month's net salary eight times over a 39-month period.
The survey found that many of the most egregious offenders had paid thousands of dollars in fines for previous violations.
Because the league has chosen not to punish the most egregious offenders, the violence has escalated.
Democracy was reestablished, and all but the most egregious offenders were pardoned.