"Erisa should be revised to ban such egregious practices," the commissioners said.
Mr. Wall said it had been only then that some of the most egregious practices of Lincoln were uncovered.
The series points to egregious practices.
The Senate is scheduled to vote today on a bill that would end these egregious practices.
It would regulate with a lighter touch by limiting its provisions to so-called bad actors - cable companies engaged in egregious practices.
Still, through her work she has spotlighted some of the Islamic Republic's most egregious practices.
In addition, this bill would ban the egregious practice involving the spouse of an elected official earning commissions for fundraising activity.
Mr. Rich acknowledges that the bank has stopped some of its more egregious practices, including the financing of agricultural settlement programs in undisturbed rain forests.
Speaking generally, Mr. Hirsch called single-premium credit insurance "perhaps the most egregious practice" by lenders.
"Apparently, Illinois had some very egregious practices, but I think in Florida we have a system with adequate checks and gateposts."