The rear window was above an eight-foot drop to a porch roof that was on a level with the second story.
It was an eight-foot drop to the ground, but the footsteps were almost to the door.
It was an eight-foot drop and he landed with his entire weight on the right ankle.
It was an eight-foot drop to the top of the ice heap blocking the ledge.
She grasped the ragged edge and Tom helped her outside, on top of the fuselage where it was an eight-foot drop to the ground.
He slipped and fell several times, the last time down an eight-foot drop that ended in a mass of prickly bushes.
Looking over the side at the eight-foot drop to the ground, she swore weakly.
But the rope slipped through their hands at the edge of the eight-foot drop, so the children returned to the street to call the police.
He jumped across an eight-foot drop between terraces.
There wasn't a lot of space between the screen and an eight-foot drop.