On May 25, Philip Morris's board, after an eight-hour meeting, announced that a split-up would not be considered "in the foreseeable future."
After an eight-hour meeting Wednesday night, the board moved to change its policy, approving all books that are currently used in all public high schools in the county of 110,000 people.
This conference was followed by an eight-hour meeting in October 1915 at Paghman and more audiences at Kabul.
Adobe announced its decision after an eight-hour meeting with the representatives of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit civil liberties group based in San Francisco.
When the approximately eight-hour meeting ended shortly after 4 A.M. today, no agreement was in place.
A1 State budget talks dissolved after an eight-hour private meeting between Governor Cuomo and legislative leaders broke down in a new round of angry public accusations.
An eight-hour meeting took place, and the Cambridge rules were produced.
An eight-hour meeting produced what amounted to the first set of modern rules, known as the Cambridge rules.
For three months the researchers met daily, piling eight-hour meetings on top of normal eight-hour work shifts as they looked for common ground.
Since an eight-hour meeting ended at dawn on Sunday without a budget accord, negotiations on a spending plan have been fitful.