A few weeks ago, the NBA finished one of its best seasons in recent memory, an awesome eight-month campaign with tons of great storylines and equally impressive TV ratings.
That will be followed by an eight-month campaign for President, while the voters wallow in boredom and buyer's remorse.
Even as an eight-month campaign lies ahead, strategists in both parties said the next few weeks would be critical as the candidates compete to define each other in the most derogatory light possible.
In Australia, Britain, New Zealand, South Africa and Newfoundland and Labrador, the terms Gallipoli Campaign or just Gallipoli alone are used to describe the eight-month campaign.
Throughout the eight-month campaign to free Mr. Pope, Representative Peterson said he had never spoken about Mr. Pope with officials at the lab, known as ARL.
"The end of the beginning of an honorable, exemplary eight-month campaign and the beginning of a political movement to establish clean money, clean elections, toward a responsive, clean government."
The battles at Gallipoli, some of whose participating soldiers are buried at this cemetery, was an eight-month campaign fought by Commonwealth and French forces against Ottoman Empire forces to force the Ottoman Empire out of the war.
His announcement today meant defeat for the Casino Association and others who had waged an expensive eight-month campaign to make New Jersey the second state after Nevada with legalized sports betting in casinos.
The Crimea Campaign was an eight-month long campaign by Axis forces to conquer the Crimea peninsula, and was the scene of some of the bloodiest battles on the Eastern Front during World War II.
The hotel and restaurant workers union did wage a bitter eight-month campaign against Mr. Cipriani in 1999, after he took over the Rainbow Room and fired hundreds of union workers.