A ruling on that request would probably be one of the final decisions in the eight-month trial.
Bhimsen Thapa was acquitted after an eight-month trial, but the Thapas were in disarray.
In an eight-month trial ending in May, nine of the gang's leaders were convicted in a case involving 13 murders.
After an eight-month trial, all the defendants, including Mr. Moore in absentia, were acquitted.
However, a Federal judge, citing misconduct by the prosecution, dismissed the case after an eight-month trial.
The jurors in Ms. Stewart's nearly eight-month trial served anonymously, and their identities remain secret.
After an eight-month trial of often unbearable tedium until an emotional outburst late last week, it all ended yesterday afternoon after less than 10 hours of deliberations.
Judge Curtin made the ruling on the basis of an eight-month trial that ended three years ago.
Didn't the eight-month trial, minutely annotated and deconstructed by television commentators, exhaust our interest in the whole sordid affair?
All defendants were acquitted after an eight-month trial.