Be prepared to pay an average of $3,500 for a four-week program and $7,200 for an eight-week program.
The volunteers, who averaged 90 years in age, completed an eight-week strength-training program that focused on building up strength in their legs.
Further questionnaires are then completed at the end of the eight-week programme and at three months follow-up.
It is an eight-week program designed to teach street awareness and some basic techniques of self-defense to children from 6 to 12 years old.
In his eight-week program, he helps people restructure the messages they give themselves.
Tuition for the eight-week program starts at $39 a day, the ad said.
During the eight-week program, which includes five weeks of nightly rehearsals, students do everything from building sets to selling advertising and tickets.
This is an eight-week program established shortly after 2002 focused on former Tikvah campers who are post-high school age.
Each will go through the eight-week program and could begin teaching as early as the fall.
The training course for Air Force Glider pilots was an eight-week program.