She became involved in an eight-year relationship that ended only recently.
Beckinsale had an eight-year relationship with actor Michael Sheen from 1995 until 2003.
They finally got married on May 16, 2009 after an eight-year relationship.
Galifianakis has publicly commented on their eight-year relationship as well, saying, "We were a great couple that could maybe be greater apart.
The latter two albums were part of a notable eight-year relationship with Concord Jazz.
The spinoff occurred on December 9, 2009, ending the eight-year relationship between the two companies.
According to a friend, Digby had an eight-year relationship, which had ended a year before.
Robin married actress Paula Patton in 2005 after an eight-year relationship.
My boy-friend left me when my son was six months old, after an eight-year relationship.
She had just ended an eight-year relationship, so the decision was both economic and therapeutic.