Those in the low-fat group had 8 percent fewer breast cancers during the eight-year study.
More than 7,000 men from all over Britain took part in the eight-year study.
The researchers base their theories on an eight-year study of 1,200 Tourette patients and their families, who were asked detailed questions about several generations of relatives.
Findings released from an eight-year study about offshore wind farms in Denmark show that the projects "operate in harmony with the surrounding environment".
And a recent eight-year study found that 90% of couples experienced a decrease in marital satisfaction after the birth of their first child.
This skepticism was bolstered in 1995 by an eight-year study of some 10,000 seriously ill and dying people conducted by five leading medical institutions.
The findings are from an eight-year study of 10,039 randomly selected people who were 16 to 24 years old when the research began.
It offers four-year and eight-year study.
The latest research was part of a $28 million, eight-year study called Support, the largest clinical study ever conducted of seriously ill patients.
In his eight-year study of 200 families, he found that when parents failed to set limits, "the child doesn't know when to stop and acts out more."