The governor of the Sverdlovsk region (Boris Yeltsin's birthplace), Navalny said, has an eighteen-year-old daughter who owns a plywood mill and a dozen other local businesses.
Stan Ogden first appeared in the Street in 1964, looking for his eighteen-year-old daughter Freda, who had run away from the family.
In 1818 he married Mary Thomson Blunt who was the eighteen-year-old daughter of General Richard Blunt.
Two years later, he married Soraya Esfandiari, the beautiful eighteen-year-old daughter of a Baktiari father and a German mother.
Her eighteen-year-old daughter Joan was also accused of the same crime, however, Joan testified against her mother in order to save herself.
Lydia Zetes is the eighteen-year-old daughter of Mr. Zetes.
Within a year, Bowen was remarried to the eighteen-year-old daughter of South Carolina's Radical Republican governor, Daniel Henry Chamberlain.
She's going to reason with me now, she's going to convince this married middle-aged swine to stay away from her eighteen-year-old daughter.
The Wheatley's eighteen-year-old daughter, Mary, first tutored Phillis in reading and writing.
And bringing out his eighteen-year-old daughter, he offered her to Howard.