The eighteenth-century building has been modified over the years.
This was built on the site of an eighteenth-century building in the 1960s.
Visitors are also able to attend services such as vespers in the abbey church, an eighteenth-century building designed by Ventura Rodríguez.
The eighteenth-century building remained in 1932, empty of machinery.
The House of Patou, headquartered in a spectacular eighteenth-century building, made him feel that he was living in his favorite film.
In addition, it is a rare survivor of its type, and well illustrates the typical eighteenth-century penal building once common in Virginia.
In its present form it is substantially an early eighteenth-century building, and now serves as a local nursing home.
It was wedged in a long terrace of uneven seventeenth- and eighteenth-century buildings that had once, Banks guessed, probably been merchants' houses.
The surviving remnants of the eighteenth-century building are shown in solid black, the parts which have vanished as broken lines.
The palace is an eighteenth-century building, which was partially restored by the architect Carlo Scarpa.