No, they weren't actually, and not only because Blake was mostly an eighteenth-century poet.
They were talking about talking about a nineteenth-century poet - who was actually an eighteenth-century poet.
The most famous person associated with Gelliehausen is Gottfried August Bürger, an eighteenth-century poet who lived there for a while.
The house of Allan Ramsay, the eighteenth-century poet and wig-maker.
William Mugliston (died 1788), born locally, was an eighteenth-century poet.
Then what came into his mind was a poem-not quite a haiku but exquisitely moving-by Chiyo, the eighteenth-century poet, considered the greatest of all of Japan's female poets.
Academically, Douglas's career was covered in less than glory, although he is still proud of the work he did on Christopher Smart, the eighteenth-century poet.
His cantata Song about Margaret Island, composed in memory of the great eighteenth-century Hungarian poet János Arany, was awarded the "Quality Prize" of Budapest City Council in 1958.
There is a peculiar flavour about the battered unexpected books you pick up in that kind of collection: minor eighteenth-century poets, out-of-date gazeteers, odd volumes of forgotten novels, bound numbers of ladies' magazines of the sixties.
Aleksei Smirnov tells in his memoirs of two scholars who together fabricated a fictitious eighteenth-century French poet and wrote his made-up verses.