In a search for new employees, the company gave 25 high school seniors an eighth-grade math and reading test last year.
In eighth-grade math, they had done a unit on loans, and he still remembered most of it.
When she took her job teaching eighth-grade math at the American School in September 1993, she knew she would not make a lot of money.
In eighth-grade math, 52 percent of whites met standards statewide, compared with 13 percent of blacks, a gap of 39 points.
Statewide, 16 percent of Hispanics met standards in eighth-grade math, a gap of 36 points.
Didn't their eighth-grade math teachers warn them what would happen if they shirked algebra?
By second grade, she traveled to middle school for eighth-grade math.
In eighth-grade math, four of the 10 made gains.
The state's test in eighth-grade math was ranked below 12 other states'.
In eighth-grade math, the gap narrowed in 5 states, widened in 2, and stayed the same in 25.