So when her eighth-grade teacher invited Moses to come in and teach algebra, he followed his daughter to school.
An eighth-grade teacher had suggested she distinguish herself from other athletes and created the unusual version of her legal name.
"The first tape I made was about my eighth-grade teacher," he once recalled.
My quirky eighth-grade English teacher (somewhere in the 1960's) assigned the class to try and find examples of people who had unusual jobs.
Plus, every eighth-grade teacher in America will bring the class.
His assignment was the eighth-grade teacher, and it was hard getting a handle on her.
Someone who's had much influence on my life is Sister Marcellina, my eighth-grade teacher.
My eighth-grade teacher relieved me of this burden with a movie about the physics of time.
Listed as an eighth-grade teacher on the school's Web site, he no longer teaches at the school, a school official said.
Carolyn Ciccia, an eighth-grade teacher from Goffstown, was one of those who stopped and signed on.