Because he always recorded what was provided for dinner, which very occasionally was an elaborate banquet, he is often wrongly characterised as a glutton.
The Wall Street Journal began celebrating its centennial last night with an elaborate banquet for advertisers at the Rainbow Room.
When Chen insists on giving the young couple an elaborate banquet, the wheels of social convention begin to bear down on them.
The Rokumeikan served elaborate banquets, with menus written in French.
They entertained travelers with elaborate banquets or, if no traveler came that day, enjoyed the feast themselves with song and dance.
On Feb. 19 China celebrates the lunar new year, famous as an opportunity to set off firecrackers and partake of elaborate banquets.
The new station house was officially dedicated with an elaborate banquet in 1920.
They drink it in the middle of elaborate banquets to revive flagging appetites, much the way fancy-pants American chefs serve sorbets.
There should have been only light refreshments at Rokujo , but Genji had in fact had an elaborate banquet set out.
The weekend forum, which consisted mostly of formal ceremonies, handshakes and elaborate banquets, did not completely address those concerns.