Here the young Wodaabe men, with elaborate make-up, feathers and other adornments, perform dances and songs to impress women.
Here the addition is an actor, presumably Kichiemon himself, in elaborate make-up.
She wore a white evening gown, and her elaborate make-up was sufficient explanation of the long delay in her appearance.
The elaborate make-up and appearance-alteration machinery begged to be used, and of course I did.
Swang theatre is traditionally restricted to men, who also play the female roles, the latter often involving elaborate make-up and costumes.
The series incorporated myriad comedic styles, elaborate make-up and costume changes, and a diverse array of locations in order to create a singular visual style.
Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers.
Kabuki, a form of traditional Japanese theater known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by its performers.
It gave her little encouragement; she had experimented with a more elaborate make-up and then discarded it.
It's rather an elaborate make-up.