Looking very glamorous, with her wild, red hair, her elaborate makeup.
They wore masks instead of elaborate makeup.
The least convenient thing so far about being : Caroline was having to wear much more elaborate makeup than she normally bothered with.
Without the elaborate makeup, her features were far less exotic than they had appeared on stage.
All that was left of her elaborate makeup were dark arcs under her eyes where the mascara had smudged.
To play Charles Darwin, he would spend three hours putting on a flowing white beard and wig, plus elaborate makeup.
It is known for its very stylized acting and the elaborate makeup worn by the actors.
Teen-age girls dress up in skirts and apply elaborate makeup for a day at the amusement park.
Denise was the only one of SB to have left the building, and come back sans padding and elaborate makeup, in her own clothes.
I believe this is elaborate makeup.