"Histoire D'H" would be a good example of such an elaborate painting.
For the next two or three years, I made elaborate paintings in which figures struck wooden postures and confronted each other in profile.
Although a more elaborate painting, it has much in common with Baldovinetti's sense of design.
For over sixty years he gave his audience exactly what they wanted: distinctive, elaborate paintings of beautiful people in classical settings.
Inside of the temple were elaborate lovely paintings, bearing resemblance to the Kandyan era.
In his many elaborate subject paintings, he did not simply stand aside and sum up the facts.
The church and many of the surrounding buildings, both businesses and private residences, are decorated with elaborate paintings on the exterior walls.
The elaborate paintings usually took seven to ten days to paint; in contrast, a typical animation background took only one workday to complete.
One of these had elaborate paintings on the outer walls showing human figures against a scrollwork background, painted in yellow, black, pink and red.
It was covered by an elaborate, multi-colored painting of the finest detail.