Morgan went on to an elaborate pantomime of sleeping twice, and hiding in the bushes, and surrendering.
They also may have their own oral tradition, consisting of story-telling accompanied by elaborate pantomime.
But Lennie made an elaborate pantomime of innocence.
In circumstances when words are inappropriate or impractical, the apology may take the form of an elaborate pantomime of contrition.
They all spoke to me, pointing and probing, but their mouths seemed to be moving in elaborate pantomime.
There was laughter, mock complaints by her father, elaborate pantomimes of cheating.
He tiptoed with elaborate pantomime to the closet and took out her coil of clothesline.
He picked up a slip of blue paper off the desk and went through an elaborate pantomime of focusing his eyes on it.
In The Artist you see precisely how clever and elaborate pantomime functions.
The dramatics are enacted in elaborate and stylized pantomime.