Obviously, such an elaborate set-up will appeal mainly to the more prosperous and perfection-seeking audio fans.
Much of this elaborate set-up hardly survived in the final cut, mainly for censorship reasons.
My engineers left winches and pulleys in the tunnels and an elaborate set-up by one of the main beams.
The tool is lightweight, portable, and easily implemented by workers without the need for elaborate set-up or sophisticated safety apparatus.
For software, this often means easy installation and "Welcome" or "Initial Configuration" wizard screens that simplify elaborate set-up.
Mr. Charles has a more elaborate set-up than most.
Despite the elaborate set-up and tireless hours, Kim said he could not get enough of the Matrix experience.
Dallaglio "categorically denied" the newspaper's claim that he had dealt in drugs and said he had been the victim of "an elaborate set-up".
But after an elaborate set-up, the film dashes past crucial changes in the characters' emotions.
Using this elaborate set-up, the firm made more than 76,000 trades from 1999 through 2003 in and out of mutual funds with total trading volume exceeding $52 billion.