Inside, an elaborate shrine was constructed on the exact place of Alexander's death, garnished with topaz, lazurite and other semi-precious stones.
But the largest, most elaborate shrine is dedicated to the memory of those who died on 9/11.
Beyond the stone retaining wall that rings the base is a steep hill with an elaborate shrine to a 15th-century saint, Baba Wali.
In 1138, relics were carried to Shrewsbury to form the basis of an elaborate shrine.
Their home contained an elaborate shrine to the Three Martyrs.
An elaborate shrine at our hotel, just inside the door, has large pictures of him, surrounded by marigolds and honorific memorabilia.
The next morning, they carry elaborate shrines about two miles to the Chettiar Hindu Temple.
In subsequent years, priests imagined an elaborate shrine in honor of their country's patroness.
After they leave, Billy puts on a ceremonial shroud and returns to an elaborate shrine where others are already wearing their shrouds and kneeling.
An elaborate shrine and temple complex at Hochscheid (Cüppers 1990) has already been mentioned.