Stretch marks occur in the dermis, the elastic middle layer of skin that allows it to retain its shape.
In order to achieve vibration isolation as well the elastic layer needs to be softer and in many cases thicker as well.
The whitecaps ceased in their area and the sound of water against the boat grew louder, a slushy rumble; the sea here was coated with frazil ice, or the thicker elastic layer of ice crystals called nilas.
The helmet was secured by means of a non-elastic garment of Nomex cloth which wrapped around the chest and under the under the arms, and by the elastic layers above and below it.
Polytan's FIFA 2-Star Recommended 40mm surface Ligaturf with a 25mm elastic layer was installed in 2005.
As it spoke the creature's fingernails were running up under the skin of the split body, and were peeling the thin elastic layer off the luscious brawn.
In a sponge, pinacocytes are a thin, elastic layer which keeps water out.
Water-resistant membrane laminated between two elastic layers lends durability.
The assemblage is again attached to elastic layers.
A deformable composite backing plate can combine the function of a metal backing plate and an elastic layer.