When a force deforms a material it generates elastic stresses and internal frictional stresses.
This close relationship between frictional and elastic stresses is called the structural damping law or, sometimes, the constant phase model.
In a fluid, by definition, the elastic stress includes only the hydrostatic pressure.
It was an evolution that the Italian language with its broad vowels and elastic stresses made almost inevitable.
This relaxation indicates that the rock was under internal elastic stresses which were released by the mechanical sawing of the rock.
This effect is attributed to the release of elastic stresses.
When a deformation is suddenly imposed and held constant, creep causes relaxation of critically produced elastic stress.
Where is the viscous stress and is the elastic stress.
Therefore, it acts as an elastic solid under threshold level of shear stress, known as yield stress.
In liquids and gases, only deformations that change the volume generate persistent elastic stress.